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Friday, February 01, 2013

Character Cocktails

Today marks the first day of the Fall For Me virtual blog tour. My first stop is at Cocktails and Books where I've concocted a list of cocktails to suit each of my main characters. Check out the post or read them below.

You can find the Cocktails and Books four star review here.

The full tour schedule can be found here where you can also enter the giveaway.

At five feet, two inches tall, she’s a tiny pocket rocket and a pretty kick-ass chick. Grace knows how to be sensitive, her compassion and loyalty often get her into trouble, but she also knows how to hold her own. You don’t want to be a vamp when Grace has a stake in her hand. This cocktail suits Grace perfectly, symbolising both her hard and soft characteristics.
Cocktail of choice: Black Velvet
Ingredients: Equal parts stout beer (such as Guinness) and champagne
Method: Fill a champagne flute half way with chilled stout beer. Float the champagne on top of the stout by pouring over an upside down spoon so the liquid runs gently down the sides instead of splashing into, and mixing with, the lower layer.

On the outside, Archer could be mistaken for a really nice guy. The kind that helps little old ladies cross the street or lays his jacket down over a puddle, but then he opens his mouth. He’s a bit too cocky sometimes, and he always has a comeback. But, he is tough, and a very good person to be on the right side of. Archer is not much of a cocktail kind of guy, he’s more likely to be at the bar tossing back shots than sipping a Tequila Sunrise and twirling a paper umbrella between his fingers.
Cocktail of choice: Fireball Shot
1 shot cinnamon schnapps
1 shot white rum
2 dashes Tabasco sauce
Method: Pour ingredients into a cocktail shaker filled with ice and shake well. Strain into a shot glass and drink immediately.

He’s Mr Popularity, but he doesn’t let it go to his head. An all round nice guy, Josh would prefer less attention directed at him, unless of course that attention was coming from Grace. With his likeable demeanour and good looks, a glass of scotch looks right at home in Josh’s hand.
Cocktail of choice: Rusty Nail
1½ oz Scotch
¾ oz Drambuie
Lemon twist for garnish
Method: Pour the ingredients over ice into an old-fashioned glass and stir well, then garnish with the lemon twist.

There’s always a resident bad boy—someone who likes to cause trouble and sit back to watch the aftermath—and Seth doesn’t disappoint. He’s dark, and angry, and pretty much pissed off most of the time. Seth likes to fight hard, and he also likes to win. He’s a very fiery kind of guy, which is why this cocktail suits him perfectly.
Cocktail of choice: The Blue Blazer
2½ oz rye or bourbon whiskey or Brandy
2½ oz boiling water
1 tsp powdered sugar
Lemon peel
Method: Pour the Scotch, water and sugar into a heat-resistant cup with a handle (traditionally a silver-plated or pewter cup). Light the mix on fire. While it’s ablaze, roll the mix into another identical cup and back again several times. Pour the mix into another heat resistant cup with a lemon peel. Extinguish the flames by placing a cup over the top.

This girl is a bit of a mystery to most. She comes across all sweet and innocent playing the victim, but it turns out she has a lot to hide and for a very good reason. She’s also the master of betrayal, even when it’s not her intention. Charlotte has a ‘special’ diet, so when it comes to drinks, simple and sophisticated is best.
Cocktail of choice: Dirty Martini
2½ oz gin
½ oz dry vermouth
Olive brine to taste
Olive for garnish
Method: Pour the gin and dry vermouth into a mixing glass then slowly add the olive brine. Stir. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass and garnish with the olive.

K x

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