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Friday, March 22, 2013

Rediscovering My Happy - Some Exciting News!

During the Fall For Me blog tour I had little time for anything other than the tour. I desperately wanted to get the first draft of Fight For Me done, but alas it wasn’t to be.

Writing means the world to me. I love getting lost in my stories with my characters, and when it started to get hard, I knew I was going in the wrong direction. I ended up in a place I didn’t want to be, and was having trouble finding my way back. In short, I’d lost my happy.

I decided to take a step back and put Fight For Me to the side. I realised I was being extremely hard on myself and needed to be nicer, so I did some reading for a week or so and I started another project, one that had nothing to do with Grace and her gang.

Once I got that out of my system I knew it was time to turn back to the characters that I love so much. But I decided to approach it from a different angle. Fight For Me wasn’t working, I knew that. There were questions I needed answering before I could progress with the story and turn the mess I had into some form of organised chaos. So…

I decided to write a prequel!

Yep, you heard me. Everyone is going to get to find out what happened to Grace and Seth before they set foot in that castle. For the past three weeks I’ve been working on the first draft, and it’s almost finished!

The details are as follows:

Title: Sacrifice – A Fall For Me Prequel
Cover Reveal: April 23rd 2013
Tentative Release Date: May 27th 2013

Book Blurb:
Seth’s heart is breaking. He knows his decision will hurt the one person he keeps breathing for, but he can’t take it anymore. He can’t be near Grace knowing she will always be just out of reach.

Grace is oblivious to Seth’s turmoil. She loves him unconditionally, but not in the way he wants. They both know that in Heaven physical love is forbidden, and to break the rules is to defy everything they’ve ever been taught.

When Grace and Seth are sent on a mission to save a young mother and her unborn child, Grace must face the fact that Seth won’t be returning home. She doesn’t understand Seth’s decision and hates him for it. But what neither of them realise is how big a part that single decision will play in shaping their entire future.

What would you sacrifice for the one you love?

Sacrifice will be around 20k words. I’m very excited about this, and I can’t wait to have something else out there for my readers. There will also be a blog tour, and when I have the dates set and everything organised I’ll let you know. Now, I’m off to get this first draft finished.

K x


  1. That is an awesome blurb. Get writing!

  2. Blogger really needs a like button! Thanks girls, I'm excited about this one :-)

  3. -----> LIKE BUTTON <-----

  4. yay, can't wait, :) But I really want book 2 for sure, that ending killed me, lol. :)


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