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Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Pyramids, Sand, and Some Eye Candy - KIYA Blog Hop

Katie Hamstead’s Novel, KIYA: Hope of the Pharaoh was released into the world on April 30. Katie is one of my fellow Aussie Owned and Read bloggers, and I am so proud of her. Today I’m participating in her blog hop for some fun. For the details about how you could win a heap of great prizes go HERE. Don't forget to hop around the rest of the stops via the linky below.

The task: to blog about Egypt.

The extent of my knowledge when it comes to Egypt is this:
  • Pyramids
  • Lots of sand
  • The Mummy starring Brendan Fraser (yum!)

I don’t really have the time, or patience, to research the pyramids and write a post (and I probably wouldn’t bring anything new to the table anyway) and sand is rather boring so… I’m going to talk about one of my favourite movies of all time!

The Mummy

The short IMBd synopsis is this: An American serving in the French Foreign Legion on an archaeological dig at the ancient city of Hamunaptra accidentally awakens a Mummy.

The Mummy is just awesome, and not only because Brendan Fraser is good eye candy. There’s a great mix of action, horror and romance. Some scenes make me feel all mushy, some make me want to throw my hands over my eyes, and some make me laugh out loud.

I find ancient customs, beliefs, magic and all that other stuff quite intriguing, but here is where my patience wanes again. I'd much rather watch a movie than immerse myself in an ancient history book. I'm by no means saying The Mummy is a good and acurate representation of Egypt (for all I know it could beI've never been there) but when someone mentions egypt, this is what I think about.

I haven’t seen the original 1932 horror film, so I can’t comment on a comparison. But I know that every time I watch this movie I still creep to the edge of my seat in anticipation, and by the end of it my nails are a little worse for wear.

K x


  1. Thanks for joining in the hop Kim! I love the Mummy too! Give me the creeps when he cuts those guys eyes out.


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