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Sunday, May 26, 2013

Sacrifice Release Day - It's Here!

Today was a very good day!

I woke this morning to a five star review of Sacrifice and I had a smile on my face that no one could wipe off.

At about 7.30am, Sydney time, I pressed the publish button, thinking I wouldn't see my book live until about 7pm tonight. It was published by lunch time. This was followed by more smiling, some very crazy dancing, and a lot of yippeeing.

Sacrifice has gone out into the big wide world.

I owe thanks to so many people, and if you want to know who they are you might just have to buy a copy for yourself to read the acknowledgements. Although I hope you buy it for better reasons than that!

I'd especially like to thank everyone who has read Fall For Me and loved it, this one is for you.

Here are the details, and make sure you enter the giveaway at the end of this post.

Get a Copy for Yourself: 

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Book Blurb:
Seth’s heart is breaking. He knows his decision will hurt the one person he keeps breathing for, but he can’t take it anymore. He can’t be near Grace knowing she will always be just out of reach.

Grace is oblivious to Seth’s turmoil. She loves him unconditionally, but not in the way he wants. They both know that in Heaven physical love is forbidden, and to break the rules is to defy everything they’ve ever been taught.

When Grace and Seth are sent on a mission to save a young mother and her unborn child, Grace must face the fact that Seth won’t be returning home. She doesn’t understand Seth’s decision and hates him for it. But what neither of them realise is how big a part that single decision will play in shaping their entire future.

What would you sacrifice for the one you love?

Enter the Giveaway 
a Rafflecopter giveaway

K x


  1. Congratulations, Kim! Just bought my copy and can't wait to dive in! :D

  2. just bought this i have an idea i will be crying like i did with the last book, so if it's sunny tomorrow ill sitting out in the sun reading :)

    1. Thank you. You're support is wonderful. I hope you love Sacrifice.

  3. I haven't read Fall For Me yet but I'm actually super excited to read it. It's like the only eBook I've ever gotten super excited about. :)

    1. That's fantastic, Taylor. I really hope you like my books. I'd love to hear what you think when you're finished :-)


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