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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Coming Out the Other Side

June has been a crazy month, and the last week has been extremely tiring, and mentally draining.

But… I wouldn’t trade it for the world!

Both my books were on tour last week. It was a reviews only tour, and the response I had was pretty awesome. I came out the other side with a bunch of new reviews, most of them positive. If you’d like to check them out, you can go HERE to see the full tour schedule, and click through to the reviews.

On June 20th I held a Facebook release party for Sacrifice, and it went off with a bang! The participation was great, and some of my readers won some really awesome prizes from a bunch of equally awesome authors. Huge thanks to the authors who donated their books as prizes. I am eternally grateful. I had a really great time interacting with my fans. I love every opportunity I get to give a little back to the people who support me. So, thank you to everyone who came along and enjoyed the party.

Currently, Fall For Me is on SALE on Amazon for 99c until June 27th. This time around I decided to advertise the sale with BookBub, and I’m so glad I did.  

Fall For Me made it to:
#1 in the Romance>Paranormal>Angels category
#6 in Romance>Fantasy & Futuristic
#7 in Fantasy>Paranormal & Urban

Also, as a result of this, Sacrifice made it to:
#24 in Romance>Paranormal>Angels. Yay!

Thank you to everyone for all your amazing support. I couldn't have done any of this if it wasn't for the awesome people who have taken the time to read my books.

K x


  1. Congrats, Kim! It must be such an awesome feeling to have two book babies out there! :)

  2. Thanks Cass, and yes! It's great :-)


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