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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Announcement - Publication of Immagica

I've been trying to think of a way to write this post without it upsetting me too much, and I guess I just have to dive in and say what needs to be said.

I was hoping to have Immagica published by the end of November. When I set that goal I thought it was quite realistic. I had a few months up my sleeve and things were going well. Then life happened and it hasn't quite turned out that way.

I love this book.

The original draft was completed in September 2011, so the story has been with me for a while. It's a little different now than it was back then, and I've put hours and hours of work (and a few tears) into it. I have a beautiful cover and some other really exciting things in the works. But I don't feel comfortable rushing the final stages to release within my original time target.

Therefore, I have decided to delay the release of Immagica until 2014.

I want to give you the best book I possibly can, and if I have to take some more time to do it then I won't regret this decision one bit.

My readers are awesome, and I hope you understand that I think this is the right decision for me and Immagica.

K x


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