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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Sun, Sand, Surf, and Dingoes

I've been back from my holiday for over three weeks now, and it feels like I never went away. But, I had an awesome time with my family. I did absolutely no work and spent the entire time relaxing on the beach, swimming, and having fun with my kids.

The last three weeks has flown by. I've been wrapped up in Immagica edits, work, uni, and other blogging stuff. Now I finally have the time to sit and look through the photos we took while we were away. If you want to know more about Fraser Island see this post.

Here's a taste of what we got to see.

Aussies, if you've never been to Fraser Island, go!

For my OS peeps, if you ever come down under, go to Fraser Island!

It's magic.

K x

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