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Monday, November 02, 2015

Setting Achievable Goals – Writember Workshop and NaNo WriMo

I haven’t really shared much writing news with you all this year. Mainly because I haven’t had all that much to share. Fight For Me, the second book in the Tate Chronicles, released back in January. After that I began the draft for Die For Me, which will be the final book, but with uni, and life, and a three month holiday, time got away and the draft still isn’t finished.

I’m okay with that, because now I’m more prepared to get stuck into it and get that sucker written. Although I won’t be announcing a release date until I know that I can pull it off, I can tell you it will be some time in the New Year.

Nano started this week, and I have every intention of participating (I think), but I’m also doing something else to help me achieve my writing goals. I’m taking part in the Writember Workshop via Writerology, and I’m excited about this because I’m looking forward to changing from a sporadic binge writer to someone who can find the time to write every day.

I took a pledge, and I vowed to write 300 words of fiction and 100 words of nonfiction every day. It’s a far cry from the 1667 daily nano goal in order to reach 50k, but one thing I have learnt since starting the workshop is that I need to set attainable goals. If I have a goal that’s too hard to reach, then I’ll feel like a failure if and when I fall short. By setting a goal I know I can achieve on my worst day, it will be easier to go above and beyond on all the good days.

So in terms of writing news, in early 2016 you can expect to see the last book in the Tate Chronicles come to life. I also have a few other novel ideas almost plotted out, and I’ll be deciding which of those to move forward with. When I know, I’ll let all of you know, too. And lastly, I have another exciting project I’ve been working on for the past few months, but one I’m not entirely ready to share yet. Make sure you keep an eye out for it though. It will be one for the writers.

K x

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