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Monday, December 21, 2015

MERRY CHRISTMAS {and a writing update from me}

I can’t believe Christmas is less than a week away. Where has this year gone? At the beginning of 2015 hubby and I agreed that we needed to slow down, and start making the most of things. We wanted to prioritise better, meaning less work and more play. Even though we’ve achieved a lot over the past twelve months, I feel as if the year has gotten away from us. I think I feel this way every year. And now it’s time to start thinking about the year ahead again. The prospect of another year excites me because it’s another chance to start over, and another chance to set long term (and short term) goals. So … I thought it's about time I gave you an official update on where I’m at with my writing, and what you can (possibly) expect from me in 2016.

I’m currently drafting Die For Me, the final book in the Tate Chronicles, and I plan to have it out before the middle of the year. I’m excited for this final book because it’s going to be a good one, and after everything Grace as been through … well, all I’ll say is she’s going out with a bang. I’m going to miss my characters from this series because they have been with me for so long, but to be honest, I’m also relieved. I’m excited about moving on to new stories and ideas, but I’ll get to that in a minute.

As well as releasing the final book in the series, the Tate Chronicles will be getting a makeover. The first two books will have shiny re-designed covers, and I’ll be doing a triple cover reveal some time in February. Sacrifice will remain the same because I’ve always loved it, and it fits well with the new designs.

I had originally hoped to release Die For Me in January, but there are several schedules I need to work in line with such as beta readers and editors, so that time frame wasn’t possible. I’m not ready to announce an exact date yet (I still need to finish writing the book!) but when I am you’ll be the first to know.

In March I’ll be going back to uni to continue my studies for my BA. I’ve had a semester off, so it will be a shock to the system, but I’m looking forward to hitting the books again, and getting back into it. This means my writing time will be more limited, but I have plans to work on another story that has been floating around in my head for a few years. Ideally I’d like an October release, but I’ll have to see how things go. It may end up being October 2017! I’ll definitely try my best to have something to release by the end of 2016 though, because I have quite a few stories waiting to be told. My fingers are itching just thinking about them.

To give you an idea, I’ve started plotting a few of them: a ghost story, a story involving romantic betrayal, and a dystopian video game. I have no idea how any of them will turn out, but that’s half the fun.

As for New Year’s resolutions, that may have to be a different blog post in the first week of January. I think I’ll make it through Christmas first before I go and set anything in stone for 2016. Plus, I need to think about it more and work out exactly what I want to focus on. The options are limitless.

I’d like to wish you a very Merry Christmas, and a supper Happy New year. I hope Santa is good to you.

Stay awesome.
K x


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