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Saturday, October 26, 2013

RELEASE DAY - Kiya: Mother of a King by Katie Hamstead

Today I have a special blog post for you. I don't usually post on a Saturday, but since it's Friday in the US I've made an exception. Because...

It's Release Day!

The second book in the KIYA series, Kiya: Mother of a King, is here! I loved the first book and you can read my review of Kiya: Hope of a Pharaoh HERE

 Purchase Kiya: Hope of a Pharaoh from Amazon.

To celebrate the release of Kiya: Mother of a King, Katie has opened up the comments on her blog for you to ask what you want to know about the series. And yes, book 3 is written and contracted so you will be seeing the final installment before you know it.

Book blurb:
Nefertiti has forced Naomi to flee Amarna with Malachi and the three children. But even under the protection of Naomi’s family in Thebes, Nefertiti still hunts her and Tut. Nefertiti sends assassins to kill them, and while Naomi fights to protect the children, Malachi fights to keep her safe.

With three children in tow, one of which isn’t her own, she is labeled the harlot outcast wife of the pharaoh and is shunned. She isn’t safe among her own people, and flees from being stoned to death. Although her family protects her, she must find a way to survive.

While Naomi struggles to keep herself and Tut alive, old adversaries return as Smenkhkare takes advantage of Akhenaten’s ailing health. Naomi must rely on Horemheb’s promise to protect Tut’s birthright, but her feelings for Malachi could cause more problems with Horemheb than she expects.

CQ is also hosting a giveaway for Kiya: Mother of a King on Goodreads! So jump in!

Goodreads Book Giveaway

KIYA by Katie Hamstead


by Katie Hamstead

Giveaway ends November 20, 2013.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.
Enter to win

K x

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